Category: Video

WIRED iPad idents demo

I made these idents for Wired magazine’s October issue, featuring Ant Ballet. The animations use the same pheromone-patch system as I used on the installation version of Ant Ballet, where virtual ants lay and follow each others’ pheromone trails, which fade over time.

Rush 100

Rush 101

Rush 102

Rush 103

Rush 104

Rush 105

Rush 106

Rush 107


Sad to hear about the passing of Adam Yaunch a couple of days ago. The Beastie Boys are the soundtrack to much of machine-building – here’s a video from the construction of the Ant Ballet machine last year:


An Architectural Time Machine by Heechan Park

I helped my good friend Heechan Park shoot a couple of short videos about the amazing machines he built at the Bartlett last year.

Inspired by JG Ballard’s The Cloud Sculptures of Choral D, they fire vortices of smoke, infused with scents, distances of up to 20m. Viewers experience an ephemeral sensation – bewildering bursts of smell defining their interaction with a space.

Video by Ollie Palmer and Heechan Park

Here’s the first testing of the machines near Old Street. There’s a lovely contrast between the rugged, heavy-duty appearance of the machines and the poetically delicate smoke vortex they create.

Video by Heechan Park, with footage by Ollie Palmer

For more information, head to


This project has been receiving a fair bit of press recently. Check out We Make Money Not Art‘s article here!

Ollie and Abi Palmer

My sister Abi Palmer is the most fun person to spend time with. I will miss her whilst I’m away doing projects in foreign lands over the coming years.

We made this video one evening in 2011 at the Southbank Centre. I think we were supposed to be seeing a show, but danced in a gallery instead.

Transforming Architecture by Maxine Pringle

I spent a couple of days at Area10 with Maxine Pringle to help set up and document her installation Transforming Architecture earlier this year. The performance was incredible – transforming an entire warehouse room into an immersive, womblike experience.


The complete structure was fabricated by Maxine in what must have been a series of marathon sessions at the sewing machine. What doesn’t come across in the video and photos is the level of detail and high quality finish of the piece, or the hidden structure – it utilises a sophisticated set of structural supports in the form of large kevlar rods, and has a set of 36 counterweights dangling from the roof of the warehouse.



Transforming Architecture

Copenhagen Workshop

Unit 14 went to Copenhagen earlier this year. Here’s a video of the installation we built, along with students from Bartlett’s AAC course and the Royal Danish Academy‘s Unit 1.

I also made this rough video of my journey home. It’s a time-lapse and shows an approximate location, mode of travel, and what I saw (through the “eyes” of a Canon G9). It shows my travel by plane, train, bus and foot, and finishes with the first thing I do when I get home: make a cup of tea.