The Universal Tea Machine, which I am fabricating with Westby & Jones was briefly mentioned in an article on BD Online this morning.
The Universal Tea Machine, which I am fabricating with Westby & Jones was briefly mentioned in an article on BD Online this morning.
Ant Ballet has been beamed around the world on the BBC Mundo (World) channel. Who’d have thought I could speak Spanish so fluently?!
You can watch the segment online here.
FutureEverything was featured on Iranian television channel Manoto TV‘s Tech Show this week. There’s a feature on the Ant Ballet about halfway through. My Persian isn’t too hot, but I think the translation came across OK…
You can watch the whole programme here, or jump straight in at the Ant Ballet section here.
Ant Ballet was featured on the BBC News website this morning. The segment shows a brief overview of the project, along with a guided tour of the installation at FutureEverything in MOSI‘s 1830 Warehouse, Manchester.
You can watch the article here.
Mark Wilson of FastCoDesign.com wrote a lovely article about Ant Ballet. You can read it online here.
In anticipation of the FutureEverything art exhibition, Manchester Evening News ran a story about Ant Ballet last week. Unforutnately the only copy I could get my hands on was a bit dog-eared, so you may not be able to decipher it from the above photo, but you can read the article online here.
I recently spoke to Carol Huston of Dazed and Confused about Ant Ballet. Read the article here.
Ant Ballet at FutureEverything 2012 was reviewed by We Make Money Not Art‘s Regine Debatty today. Read the interview here.
Ant Ballet was featured in the Manchester version of the Metro the other day as part of FutureEverything’s Art Exhibition.
Ant Ballet has been the front page of the newly redesigned Bartlett website for the past week.
I am really happy about this – the Bartlett Interactive Architecture Workshop is where the project is being developed (and I tutor), and I feel to have their continued support!